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[UJP]⇒ PDF Moons' Kiss Kimberly K Comeau 9780615629988 Books

Moons' Kiss Kimberly K Comeau 9780615629988 Books

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Download PDF Moons' Kiss Kimberly K Comeau 9780615629988 Books

They found him in the South Ofrann Desert, where everything evil lived.

Manerra, heir to the tribes of Yatra, intends to abdicate--until his rescue of a man-thing from cannibals pits brother against brother and tribe against tribe. Prevented by decree from harming the creature, Manerra pledges to drive it away . . . and adds another layer of guilt to his already troubled mind.

Rebuffing all counsel, Aya, the nation’s ruler, takes steps to prevent bloodshed in future meetings between his people and the foreigners, and by so doing, hands his enemies the means to secure his downfall. As political maneuvering and violence escalate, there’s one wildcard that no one’s considered the “demon” Kayarra. Who is he, what is he, and what do his people want?

Moons' Kiss Kimberly K Comeau 9780615629988 Books

KC did an amazing job writing this book. What an imagination! Great detail in this book. Wonderful visuals.....I felt like I was right there. I was fortunate enough to be one of the members of a group that critiqued this book during the creating process, so in all actuality I have read it at least twice....and the second time was even better than the first. I loved that it is sci-fi, but a realistic sci-fi...not way out there in left field. It could actually happen! I can't wait for more books from KC!

Product details

  • Paperback 408 pages
  • Publisher Kimberly K. Comeau (May 13, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0615629989

Read Moons' Kiss Kimberly K Comeau 9780615629988 Books

Tags : Moons' Kiss [Kimberly K. Comeau] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. They found him in the South Ofrann Desert, where everything evil lived. Manerra, heir to the tribes of Yatra,Kimberly K. Comeau,Moons' Kiss,Kimberly K. Comeau,0615629989,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,Science fiction
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Moons' Kiss Kimberly K Comeau 9780615629988 Books Reviews

'Moon's Kiss' is a greatly intriguing science fiction adventure novel. It centers around a tribe who is trying to maintain peace with outsiders and the political standings within the tribe. Enter Kayarra, a "demon" and everything the tribe is working towards is put into jeopardy. Who exactly is this "demon" and what does he really want?

I found this novel to be full of action and adventure with some really great science fiction aspects. The history and detailed lifestyle of the tribe and it's people was really interesting and made the story feel realistic and believable. The mystery behind Kayarra - what he really is and what he wants - added an interesting flare to the narrative. All in all, I found this book to be a fast-paced science fiction adventure with a great storyline and interesting characters.

Disclosure I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
I normally read paranormal, so I have ventured outside my comfort zone to read a Sci-Fi and am so glad I did!

Ms. Comeau provided a Yatren Language Dictionary before the story begins. This really came in handy for understanding the language shifts between English and Yatren. Once I became familiar with the language it was easy to follow.

For me, the beginning was a little slow, but I attribute this to my being out of my genre. But once again, when I became familiar with the writing it picked up and I really began to enjoy the story. Throughout, the author gives excellent descriptions which made me feel as if I was there with the characters in the book. She weaved and intriguing tale of sibling rivalry along with a young man coming of age and understanding his role in the future of his people all the while tossing in a 'demon' who needed protection.

Although there are a lot of characters in the story with multiple POV's, the author did a great job. I knew what character I was with at all times and really enjoyed the different POV's as it gave me more in depth reasoning behind some of the characters actions.

It's hard to give a detailed review without giving spoilers, but I can say, the ending of this story actually surprised me, which is usually hard to do. There is lots of action, twists and turns and towards the end I couldn't wait to find out what was happening next. I really hope there is a sequel planned for this story because I will definitely be reading it!

I give this story 4.5 stars out of 5.
Kimberly K. Comeau's Moon's Kiss is Science Fiction that doesn't feel like Science Fiction, which works for me because I'm not a big Sci-Fi fan. The story follows Manerra, a young man in line to rule his country even though he has misgivings about accepting the responsibility, and Kayarra, the man thought to be a demon by most of the country.

While crossing the desert to return to his brother and ruler Aya's entourage, Manerra discovers a group of cannibals about to kill Kayarra. Bound by his duties to protect all people, Manerra saves Kayarra's live only to instantly regret it. It is clear just from looking at him that Kayarra is not of Manerra's people--his coloring is far too fair--so Manerra makes the same conclusion that most of his countrymen do Kayarra is a demon that will plague the county. Aya and his entourage of advisers nurse Kayarra back to health, much to Manerra's chagrin, and teach him the ways of their people. As Kayarra travels with Aya and his entourage, the group is forced to deal with ensuring Kayarra's safety; most people he encounters react with fear or hatred, which in turn causes Kayarra to fear them. Will they ever achieve this goal or will Kayarra's presence put his protectors in as much danger has he finds himself?

Because the characters in the story are basically human, it was difficult to read this story as Sci-Fi. The bulk of the novel is about Kayarra's adjustment to living in a new way, finding out where he came from, and the political implications and ramifications of keeping Kayarra in the group during Aya's rule. As I mentioned, I'm not generally a Sci-Fi fan, so this format worked very well for me. I found the plot interesting and was surprised by the directions the story took. Because much of the story takes place on the desert, I found myself envisioning the setting as the Middle East. The humanity of the characters and that they are well developed also made the themes easy to relate to and compare to today's society. There is some very clear-cut Science Fiction action later in the story, so Sci-Fi buffs take heart. There are also a couple of romances sprinkled throughout which provides a nice distraction from all the political intrigue and plotting.

Be prepared to hunker down with this novel. Moon's Kiss is long at 408 pages. While the bulk of those pages are interesting, there were a few scenes that I felt could have been edited out, not due to poor writing just because I felt they gave nice insights to the culture but did not move the plot along.

I enjoyed reading Moon's Kiss. The story and characters are engaging overall, and anyone who is a Science Fiction fan should enjoy the story. Non-Sci-Fi fans looking for something different would enjoy Moon's Kiss' political focus, its romance, and underlying theme about what is really means to belong.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
There are loads of different kinds of sci-fi to choose from--from hard sci-fi to far away alien cultures that stretch the imagination. But Moon's Kiss is one of those rare, mainstream science fiction novels that takes us into a reality not quite our own--but one that so easily could be ours.

Manerra, the young man who would choose almost any fate except that which is his to rule. His brother Aya, another son of the gods, who knows his people stand on the brink of a change that even he can barely conceive of. And Kayarra, the "demon" who very well may decide the fate of an entire people, despite his efforts to the contrary.

I won't give away any spoilers as that would ruin the joy of reading this story, but I can say that from the tender moments of unfulfilled love to riots that threatened to topple a city, this book grips the reader and just doesn't let go.
KC did an amazing job writing this book. What an imagination! Great detail in this book. Wonderful visuals.....I felt like I was right there. I was fortunate enough to be one of the members of a group that critiqued this book during the creating process, so in all actuality I have read it at least twice....and the second time was even better than the first. I loved that it is sci-fi, but a realistic sci-fi...not way out there in left field. It could actually happen! I can't wait for more books from KC!
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